
Hoboken Family Planning,Inc.

Organization type:
Tags: Youth

About the partner

We provide low cost or no cost Family Planning Services, STI Testing and Treatment, Prep Services, Pregnancy testing. We also provide for all New Jersey residents free cancer screenings for Cervical, Breast, Colorectal and Prostate Cancers regardless of immigration status.

Perspective on Health Equity

We strive to provide affordable access to all Jersey City residents to the healthcare that they need, especially for diseases such as Cancer.

Hours of operation

[{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"9:00 am","end_time":"4:00 pm"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"},{"start_time":"Closed","end_time":"Closed"}]
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

